Blog posts
We’d all love a bit of marketing utopia
Big brands spend cash on the full spectrum of marketing activities, from advertising and email campaigns, to digital marketing and media relations etc. That’s marketing utopia – not affordable reality for most companies. Public relations is often more cost-effective than other marketing tools. The price of placing an advert with a magazine or website would […]
Don’t shout, have a social media conversation
Many companies which think they ‘do’ social media well, actually don’t. They often view social media as a channel to push out news about themselves, without delivering any real value to their followers. Then they wonder why they don’t get any interaction in the form of retweets, comments, and likes etc. For me, social media […]
The Oxford Comma
We all make mistakes, but it would appear that worrying about errors, such as the “grocers’/grocer’s apostrophe”, is now viewed as unimportant. Surely good punctuation and grammar is an essential element of communicating effectively? The Oxford comma is included before the final “and” or “or” in lists of three or more items, but is optional. […]
Don’t panic Mr Mainwaring
Just back from Sunny Spain, which is why I haven’t blogged for a while – I didn’t want sand in my laptop! Now that the batteries are re-charged, I have just picked up last week’s PR Week. An interesting article about 78 per cent of FTSE100 firms’ websites not having basic social media functions such […]
Is ‘old’ media dead media?
An interesting conversation has been going on within a LinkedIn group that I belong to, the Network of PR Professionals
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