Blog posts
The importance of being earnest (and not maverick)
Oh, the importance of getting your message right and not letting loose any spokespeople that haven’t been media trained! While watching BBC Breakfast this morning, I saw a great example of this.
Running for the hills
The Government’s spending cuts, on top of several tough years for the UK economy, might have PR people throwing in the towel and running for the hills! Surely what we do will be the first thing to be cut as even the public sector is forced to tighten its belt?
Carolyn Wojtas, Head of Marketing, Phoenix IT
Sarah is a great support and works just like she’s one of our team. She gets on with the job quickly, which minimises the time I have to dedicate to public relations and lets me think about the bigger picture. I know I can trust Sarah to get on with the PR and her friendly […]
PR vital to Government during public sector cuts
I’m glad to see that, despite tough economic times, the Government sees public relations as being vital to the cause.
Can hacks hack it?
An interesting article appeared in PR Week recently looking at how an increasing number of journalists are moving over to the ‘dark side’ of public relations.
Times Online focuses on quality
The Times recently published the results of what has happened to its website since it became paid for. PR Week reports that traffic to the website has dropped by just under one third.
Not everything is PRable
Last night I was ‘made’ to watch episode two of Top Gear. Alastair Campbell was the ‘star in the reasonably priced car’, so at that point in the programme I looked up from my magazine. A lot of the audience booed him. Love or hate the man (and I don’t really have an opinion either […]
Authentic PR
I was very pleased to see that the world’s biggest consumer goods group is planning to step up its public relations. In a PR Week article Proctor and Gamble’s global marketing and brand building officer, Marc Pritchard referred to PR as “one of the most authentic ways to engage with consumers”. Thank you Mr Pritchard, I […]